

Workshop on Open-Source Hardware

Co-located with 21th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF’ 24) May 7 - May 9, 2024 - Ischia (NA), Italy

We are excited to announce a new workshop on the topic of open-source hardware, to be held concurrently with Computing Frontiers 2024.

Aim and Scope

The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the fields of computer architecture, electrical engineering, and computer science to discuss and share their latest research and developments in open-source hardware and related open-source software. We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

Submissions should be in the form of an extended abstract (minimum 2, maximum 4 pages), formatted according to the double-column ACM conference format, accompanied by a link to a public repository (GitHub, etc.). Accepted abstracts will be included in the workshop proceedings and published in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of an accepted abstract is required to register for the whole Computing Frontiers 2024 conference.

Submission page and information

Submit at

Proceedings from the workshop will be published by ACM along with regular Computing Frontiers papers.

Important dates

Workshop co-chairs:

The co-chairs:

For more information or any questions, please contact us.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the workshop!

Tentative Program

  INVITED 25 20 5
1 Using a Performance Model to Implement a Superscalar CVA6 18 15 3
11 Seeing Beyond the Order: a LEN5 to Sharpen Edge Microprocessors with Dynamic Scheduling 18 15 3
3 Integrating SystemC-AMS Power Modeling with a RISC-V ISS for Virtual Prototyping of Battery-operated Embedded Devices 18 15 3
5 Stitching FPGA Fabrics with FABulous and OpenLane 2 18 15 3
  BREAK 15    
10 NARS: Neuromorphic Acceleration through Register-Streaming Extensions on RISC-V Cores 18 15 3
9 muRISCV-NN: Challenging Zve32x Autovectorization with TinyML Inference Library for RISC-V Vector Extension 18 15 3
6 Performance evaluation of acceleration of convolutional layers on OpenEdgeCGRA 18 15 3
7 Open-Source Elastic CGRA Generator 18 15 3
  BREAK 15    
12 A Gigabit, DMA-enhanced Open-Source Ethernet Controller for Mixed-Criticality Systems 18 15 3
2 Implementation and integration of NTT/INTT accelerator on RISC-V for CRYSTALS-Kyber 18 15 3
8 Model theft attack against a tinyML application running on an Ultra-Low-Power Open-Source SoC 18 15 3